One of Oregon’s biggest marijuana chains bought a Portland home in 2020, planning to turn it into a dispensary.
But the pot shop never materialized. Instead, neighbors say squatters moved into the property, which became a hotbed for dangerous crime like drive-by shootings, and the new owners — who bankrolled several prominent Democratic politicians — ignored their concerns.
One of Oregon’s biggest marijuana dispensary chains owns a property that neighbors say has been crawling with squatters for the past three years. (Screenshot/KOIN 6 News )
And just last week it was revealed that Fagan has been moonlighting as a paid consultant for an affiliate of La Mota since February, while her office wrote an audit supporting more relaxed regulation of the marijuana industry.
Republican legislative leaders called for her resignation, and Kotek requested two investigations — one into the ethics of Fagan’s work arrangement and a second into the audit.
Fagan announced Monday morning she had terminated the consulting contract and apologized to Oregonians in a statement reading in part, “I exercised poor judgment by contracting with a company that is owned by my significant political donors and is regulated by an agency that was under audit by my Audits Division.”
Hannah Ray Lambert is an associate producer/writer with Fox News Digital Originals.
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